Kitchen Guide

Considerations for Cookware

Many of us don’t consider what exposures we are getting daily based on the cookware that we are using.

But here’s why cookware mattersthere is currently no legal requirement for companies to disclose how they make their products. This is frustrating because the only thing we then have to rely upon is how they advertise the items to us…which is geared towards selling you on what’s NOT in their products without telling you what IS in them.

The best way to think of this scenario is like an online dating profile– they may look great from the photos and list that they aren’t a smoker and are great with dogs, but conveniently forget to mention they have a raging temper, deep-seated relationship problems, etc. In similar ways, manufacturers shout from the rooftops that their products don’t contain a product like teflon, but casually “forget” to mention they use a very similar chemical in molecular structure to it. 

Something that usually happens when most of us turn to cleaner living is we cook at home more, which can lead to a higher exposure of toxins based on the type of cookware we use.

Cookware to Avoid

Below are the products that you should avoid using on a daily basis and the reasons why they may be impacting your health:


Something to know is that that specific name “Teflon” is just a brand and doesn’t cover all the other types of non-stick chemicals used on the market. 

Companies have gotten smart knowing that we all want to avoid Teflon so they use a similar chemical of a different name to give us non-stick “without Teflon”.even though the health impacts are usually the same and these other chemicals don’t have the same regulations or requirements as Teflon to disclose the information.

These non-stick chemicals are classified as PFAS/PFOS and are basically indestructible. They are being found in the bodies of POLAR BEARS up in the ARCTIC! This is due to them getting into our air and water supply and because they take a long time to break down once they’re in the body (anywhere from 3.5 – 8.5 years).

Aside from polar bears, over 98% of the population has PFAS in their bodies even though these types of chemicals have been phased out from use. They are unfortunately recognized in the body as a bile acid, which the body keeps stored in the liver/gallbladder and recirculates…aka we don’t get rid of them.

Some side effects of PFAS exposure include:

  • Hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD)
  • Asthma in kids
  • Infertility + reproductive issues
  • Hormone disruption- particularly the thyroid
  • Predispose people to gain weight in adulthood
Anything Made from ALUMINUM

If you are thinking about pots/pans here, this category is more about your use of ALUMINUM FOIL or Aluminum Cookie Sheets, Muffin Tins or Baking Pans. 

Many grill in aluminum foil or bake with it in the oven which has been found to increase the aluminum in foods like chicken + beef up to 300% when cooked in it. 

I would highly suggest getting away from this habit, as aluminum in the body has been linked with:

  • Alzheimer’s disease + Dementia
  • Autism
  • Breast Cancer
  • Colic in babies
  • Memory/Brain Issues
  • Parkinson’s
  • Slow growth in kids

Though many stainless steel pans use aluminum as their core, it hasn’t been found to leach into food in significant ways, so the takeaway here is to avoid cooking your food in direct contact with aluminum, especially those that are more acidic.

    Antique Clay + Ceramics

    Many have gotten into making old things new, but older pieces of clay ceramic or platters may have a glaze that contains lead, a very disruptive heavy metal.

    This extends outside of cookware and into other older ceramics in your kitchen- especially those decorated in bright colors like orange/yellow/red which has increased lead amounts. 

    Here is a list of common sources of these older pieces:

    • Antique clays
    • Purchased from antique stores or flea markets
    • Any type of ceramic that is damaged or worn
    Consideration for Cast Iron

    I know many health experts shouting from the rooftops about cast iron and I personally have to disagree with them just based on the population that I work with. 

    Yes, cast iron is the ancient “non-stick” cookware choice that can literally last a lifetime or two, but my concern is the leaching of iron into the foods when you cook leading to Iron Overload.This can especially true when cooking any acid-based foods like tomatoes as it can promote further leaching.

    Not a day goes by that I don’t see iron dysregulation in my clients. We live in a world where a lot of our processed items contain fortified iron (breakfast cereals, breads, crackers, etc.), we’re told to supplement iron during pregnancy, and based on the other toxicities our liver has to handle, we can end up storing it in tissues.

    Iron is an incredibly inflammatory mineral in the body when not handled properly, so a daily exposure of cast iron may be doing more harm than good in those struggling with health/hormone/mood/fertility issues.

    Instead, see the first option below for a safer option that uses cast iron as its core but doesn’t impose the same health concerns due to an enamel coating between your food and the iron.

      Ceramic-COATED (Non-Stick)

      In the “greenwashing” and social media culture, I see these types marketed like the plague despite it maybe NOT being the best choice.

      Here’s where wording gets tricky- these pans are COATED in a non-stick chemical and aren’t truly JUST ceramic.

      Instead of using PFAS, they use silicone-based coatings. They also have been reported to not last very long at all, meaning you will have to replace your cookware frequently (every 3-4 years, maybe even less depending on usage), which just isn’t cost-effective.

      Brands that fall into this category include:

      Better Options for Cookware

      There isn’t a clear-cut “best” choice on the market today, which means you have to make the decision based on your budget, kitchen and health.

      Below are some better choices with the pros and cons of each for you to feel more educated when buying your next cookware set.

      Enameled Cookware

      If you’ve ever done a wedding registry, you’ve probably come across pieces like this from companies like Le Creuset and been shocked at the price points for singular items.

      They are expensive for a reason as this is one of the best options when it comes to clean cookware choices that can be used for decades and won’t put toxins into the food you cook.


      • The best of both worlds when it comes to its base AND its coating
      • The base is cast iron which can’t leach through the coating and the coating is enamel (aka glass) which is much safer than many other coatings on the market


      • It’s expensive so it may not be the best choice for needing a whole set right now
      • It’s heavy, so if you aren’t someone that wants a workout when you cook, I’d check out other options below

      Enameled Cookware Brands

      Pure Ceramic

      This is a different category than the clay/antique ceramics discussed before and doesn’t have any metals at its core- it’s purely ceramic-based. Similar to cast iron, these can be heavy and do require care/seasoning to ensure it lasts a while.


      • No heavy metal base


      • Can be Heavy
      • Requires more care and mayan chip and/or break more easily than other options

      Pure Ceramic

      Enameled or Carbon Steel

      Similar to the above option, enameled steel is also a great option that includes a glass enamel coating to protect your food from any leaching of the products used to make the pan/pot.

      Carbon steel doesn’t have the coating and is the choice most chefs prefer.


      • A lot lighter than enameled cast iron


      • Enamels can more easily chip on these and they may not work well on a glass countertop stove
      • Carbon steel needs to be seasoned properly and is usually only available as pans or griddles
      Stainless Steel + Bakeware

      Stainless is a more affordable choice, but quality is a major concern here as you should go for 18/0, 18/8 or 18/10 options to limit the amount of nickel that can leach.

      The downside to stainless is that if you have heavy metal issues you may still want to avoid it, however for the average person it can still be safe.

      For things like cookie sheets and roasting pans, this is the best choice to make (over silicone, non-stick, etc.) 

      Silicone has become a popular alternative for cookie sheets and other cooking utensils, but it should be avoided for use over 300 degrees- at this point it is show to leach siloxanes which have been linked to thyroid, liver, and uterus issues.


      • A lot lighter than enameled cast iron


      • Some may leach small amounts of chromium and nickel (aka heavy metals)
      • UNLESS they are made with purely stainless steel (like 360 below)
      Tempered Glass + Stoneware

      Though it isn’t as convenient to use as those listed above, tempered glass is going to be the safest option as it is just pure glass.

      Similarly stoneware is a great option for certain pieces, but does require some care.


      • Doesn’t crack at high temps
      • Pretty inexpensive + lasts a long time


      • Usually only good for bakeware
      • Stoneware requires greater care/cleaning

      Plastics, Plastics, Everywhere!

      I want you to take a minute and look around- I’d put money down that there is likely plastic near you in some way/shape/form.It makes up computer screens, food packaging, mixing bowls, drinking cups, shopping bags, kids toys, water bottles and dozens of other items we encounter on a daily basis.

      And let’s be honest…plastic has made our lives easier- here are some ways:

      Instead of having to carry a bucket and find a well for water when traveling, we can stop at a quick convenience store and grab a water bottle.

      It allows us to carry items instead of having to bring our own bags to stores

      It allows us to have cups that don’t break as easily as glass does

      It allows us to meal prep foods well ahead of time and easily store in the fridge and take on the go

      It has even replaced glass eyeglass lenses so they don’t shatter as easily!

      Despite its convenience, you may not realize how much your daily use of plastics is impacting your health. Developing an awareness of your plastic use can help you to determine if changes in your home and products needs to be made.

      The Problem with Plastics

      If you look around your home, you’ll see a variety of different kinds of plastics that make up your environment. Plastic makers each have their own formulas (similar to food production)and they aren’t required to disclose what makes up their product ingredient-wise.

      You can look on the bottom of different plastic items and see a logo with a number in it, which many of us think determines its “recyclability.” However, this number is technically called a “resin identification code” and despite what we think, many of these numbers actually AREN’T just for recycling and are simply labels to identify general classifications of plastic products.

      There are different types of plastics based on what plasticizer chemicals are added to make them thin/movable or harder/stiff.  These chemicals are what cause us issues as they aren’t tightly bound to the plastic and thus they easily shed out of the product and into whatever is inside of them…which usually ends up in our bodies. Four things increase this happening: heat, oil, acidity and abrasion over time.

      Types of Plastics

      Below is a quick summary of the different types of plastics there are:

      ♳ PETE

      most commonly used plastic

      • Polyester in clothing
      • Plastic soda bottles + water bottles
      • Juice, peanut butter + condiment bottles
      • Frozen meal trays
      • Household cleaner bottles

      ♴ HDPE

      thicker/stiffer plastic

      • milk + bleach jugs
      • detergent bottles
      • bottle caps
      • thicker plastic shopping bags

      ♵ PVC

      “The poison plastic”- one of the most toxic

      • shower curtains
      • water pipes
      • faux leather
      • lunchboxes
      • cling wrap
      • squeeze bottles
      • cooking oil bottles

      ♶ LDPE

      thinner plastic

      • Frozen fruit/veggie bags
      • shopping bags
      • bread bags
      • coating of inside of paper milk cartons

      ♷ PP

      Cloudy or white plastic

      • yogurt and cottage cheese tubs
      • plastic strainers

      ♸ PS

      One of the worst plastics

      • Styrofoam
      • Egg cartons
      • Takeout containers
      • Meat/cheese trays
      • Coffee cups (to-go)

      ♹ Others + BPA

      Harder plastics

      • Canned foods
      • Grocery store receipts
      • Children’s drink cups
      • Blender carafes
      • Plastic food storage bowls/lids


      Not visible to human eye

      • Found in 80% of human urine
      • Usually found in drinking water
      • Leach into products from plastic water bottles, baby bottles and food packaging

      Health Issues Associated With Plastics

      Phthalate Exposure

      Plastics contain endocrine disrupting chemicals like phthalates that impact our hormones, in particular our estrogens and androgens (testosterone). 

      In fact, plastic water bottles were tested in 2011 and it was found that the estrogenic activity was 3x higher compared to tap water. This is due to the plastic containers leaching into the water inside and then those microplastics end up in our bodies.

      These can lead to issues like:

      • Fertility struggles
      • Birth defects
      • Developmental issues in kids


      Known to be incredibly carcinogenic (cancer causing), Dioxins a byproduct of plastic manufacturing to make plastic more pliable and soft/flexible.

      This process includes adding not only phthalates, but heavy metals like cadmium, lead and tin to the plastics.


      Many have heard of BPA but don’t realize that it is only one type of plastic or that there are many ways this specific one can impact our health. 

      BPA is one of the highest produced chemicals in the world each year, with over 10 million pounds being produced.

      It has been found in over 93% of US people’s bodies and 99% of the exposure for children came from food. 

      Some health issues of BPA exposure:

      • Obesity + weight gain
      • Leaky Gut
      • Hormone disruption
      • Fertility issues: recurring miscarriages, reduced sperm count
      • Birth defects + low birth weight
      • Developmental disorders + hyperactivity
      • Aggression, anxiety + depression
      • Insulin resistance + diabetes
      • Early onset of puberty
      • Heart disease
      • Cancers like breast, prostate

      BPA-Free…A Better Option?

      Because of the obvious health risks associated with BPA, many consumers are now demanding BPA-free options, thinking that they are being safer. 

      However, the replacement chemicals being used are STILL from the same family of bisphenols- chemicals like BPS and BPF.

      Research is finding that the health effects of these are the same if not even WORSE than BPA.

      What to Avoid With Plastic Use

      As mentioned earlier four things make plastics less safe and more readily “shed-able” into our products and bodies: heat, acidity, oil, and wear and tear over time.

      Heat: What to Avoid

      • Leaving water bottles in the car on a hot day (but real talk- when cases of water are transported across the country, the bottles are heated so avoid bottle water totally)
      • Putting hot coffee or tea in a styrofoam or to-go cup
      • Microwaving your leftovers in plastic
      • Washing plastics in hot water or washing in dishwasher
      • Putting leftovers in plastics in general (but if using make sure food cools FIRST before putting it in)
      • Uing leftover containers especially black ones that shed flame retardants into your food along with plastic

      Oils: What to Avoid

      • Buying or Storing Oils in Plastic: chemicals used are “lipophilic” meaning fat-loving and more easily migrate into foods that have higher fat content
      • Also Consider Products Made with Oils or High High in Fat: foods like oils, dressings, and mayo in plastic containers have a higher chance of this migration happening compared to glass containers

      Acidity: What to Avoid

      • Ever notice that foods like tomato sauces and spaghetti seem to change the color of your plastics for good?
      • This acidity increases the rate of shedding of the plastics and other chemicals into your leftovers
      • This also includes vinegar-based foods and vinegar itself- so best to also get vinegar in glass if you will be using it internally (Apple Cider Vinegar is a good one to opt for glass)

      Abrasion + Time: What to Avoid

      • Think about plastics that when you first got them (say a food processor bowl, blender, or just generic plastic) that was once clear now is foggy, stained or scratched
      • This wear and tear breaks down the plastic inside making it more released into your foods

      Worst Offenders: Foods with Oil, High Acidity AND that are Hot!

      • Pasta sauce is a really good example because it contains oil, acidity from the tomatoes and is usually still hot when you either put it in the fridge or when you reheat it in the microwave
      • It didn’t just stain the plastic- the sauce is now INSIDE the plastic as the two items have essentially “merged”

      Tips for Reducing Plastic Exposures

      Again, we can’t avoid them totally but we can ESPECIALLY be mindful of the plastics we bring into our home and what we put into them.

      Assess Plastics in Your Kitchen

      Take a moment and go through your kitchen to find just how much plastic you actually have.

      Look not only at storage containers but also things like pasta strainers, cooking utensils, plastic cutting boards, etc.  Be wary epecially of black kitchen utensils and dishes have been found to have flame retardants in them!

      Once you have an idea, then start to find swaps for these items from wood, stainless steel or glass when you can.

      Find Better Replacements Like Glass + Stainless Steel

      This is actually easier than you’d think it would be- simply replace things like drinking cups, tupperware, baby bottles, kids plates/bowls, and any other item that is plastic with a version that is glass or stainless steel (see below for examples).

      Think About Even Your Appliances

      Appliances like blenders, food processors, even the coating on air fryer pans are things that should be researched/looked into as well.

      There are ways to get around these, like getting a glass blender or your own stainless pans to replace those that come with ovens/air fryers.

      Silicone: Avoid Heat!

      Silicone can be an okay swap for room temperature or freezing foods/items, but avoid anything silicone that will get hot- this includes spatulas, baking trays, etc. 

      An okay swap for silicone would be silicone ice cube trays or stasher bags (see below).

      Avoid Cling Wraps + Plastic Wraps

      Try to find an alternative instead of using products like these which are made with one of the worst offending types of plastic.

      Don’t fall for “BPA-Free”

      As discussed above, they are simply swapping one bisphenol for another in the chemicals used. Instead of getting a BPA-free plastic, look for a non-plastic option.

      Avoid Canned Foods

      Though not technically plastic, canned foods go through a heating process, which similar to the heat/acidity/oil/time factor we’ve discussed can make certain items have more BPA chemicals  inside than others. Especially avoid creamy canned soups, canned fruits, sodas and beers or tomato-based products.

      Even if the cans say “BPA-free” the can makers have zero liability to tell you what they’re using as an alternative. However, there is at least one company who has gone back to ancestral ways with their can linings (Eden Foods) and is a safer alternative if you must buy canned items.

        Avoid Plastic Water Bottles…PLEASE!

        This is one I’m passionate about because it is easily avoidable by having your own reusable bottles AND you can guarantee the quality of your water.

         Even though the packaging looks good, many water suppliers are sourcing their water from the tap- so not only are you getting contaminated water, you’re also getting the leaching of plastics into it!

        Plus, it is simply not good for the environment for all of these non-degradable bottles to end up in landfills.

        Buy Acidic + High Fat Sauces & Condiments in Glass

        Items with high acidity and/or fat have a greater tendency to leach into the products inside.

        Because of this aim to buy your salad dressings, mayo, ketchup, nut butters, sauerkraut (high acidity), ghee, coconut butter, and all cooking oils- olive, avocado, etc. in glass or even better make it at home and store it in glass yourself!

        Bring Your Own Grocery Bags + Avoid Touching Receipts

        This is non-food related, but to reduce the plastics in your home, simply begin to bring your own bags to the store. From a sustainability perspective, this is also a great choice.

        And this may sound silly, but avoid touching receipts- they are coated in BPA and are one exposure outside of food we don’t think about often.

        Avoid Plastic Baby Toys

        Another non-food category, but what do babies and toddlers love to do? Put EVERYTHING into their mouths!

        Their smaller bodies also don’t have as established detoxification abilities as an adult body and so it is wise to limit the plastics they come into contact with, especially those items that would end up in their hands and mouths.

        Non-Plastic Kitchen Swaps

        My go-to for all food storage (I also freeze in these too).

        Another great brand for glass food storage.

        Alternatives for food storage instead of glass and luncboxes.

        Stainless steel options for baby bottles, toddlers, all the way up to adults.

        Glass-based bottles for baby bottles, kids and adults. Also has stainless options.

        Stainless water bottle options.

        Lots of options for stainless drinkware.

        Lots of options for stainless drinkware.

         What we use for daily drinkware, smaller food storage and larger 1/2 gallon size for brewing tea, our milk, etc.

        Great brand for glass, stainless and bamboo alternatives for many baby and family-based products 

        Stainless alternative to plastic lunchboxes

        Silicone alternative to plastic ice cube trays

        Better option than plastic or black cooking utensils is stainless steel

        The coffee pot we have and love that has NO plastic whatsoever (compared to Keurig, Nespresso + other plastic coffee pots)

        Cleaner alternative to using plastic wrap

        Cleaner alternative to Ziploc/plastic bags

        Alternative to slow cookers as they have been found to leach chemicals/metals. This is a stainless pan + has slow cooker functionality!

        Consider getting a glass blender if you often make soups or other hot things in it.


        The information presented on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation.

        Affiliate Disclosure: Links on this site may include affiliate links to Amazon and other affiliate sites on which the owner of this website may make a referral commission.

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